It’s a fair COP 26
I’m off to COP 26 next week. Well not exactly. You see COP 26 has three levels, a bit like the Edinburgh Festival. The Festival has the Official Festival, The Official (sic!) Fringe and the Fringe. COP 26 has the Blue Zone for world dignitaries and influencers, so called decision makers, the Green Zone, which is formally, aye right, for the major environmental organisations but sounds like its been usurped by businesses portraying themselves as “green” but access to the zone is by credential. So that lets me out.
I was Scottish Green Activist of 2011, a great honour. Does that mean I’m getting into the Blue or Green Zones? Naw! I’m in the Red Zone, except there isn’t one It called Glasgow. My group is called u3a. Ok I’ll explain. u3a is an international organisation for retired or pre-retired people who still want to be active in some form or other. I’m Vice Chair of u3a Ayr and was keen to be part of whatever was being organised and well I am. Anyway ,off to Cathcart Bus Garage to do my talk next Friday and Tuesday. I expect Glasgow to be mayhem. Lets just save the planet, shall we!

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